
MazDesigns Blog 141

how architects can help you choose the right builder Choosing the wrong builder for a building project can lead to various issues and challenges, including: Poor quality workmanship; delays and time overruns; cost overruns; communication and collaboration problems; lack of compliance and legal issues; poor customer service and after-sales support; and potentially damage to the …

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MazDesigns Blog 140

benefits of the tender process In this post we will explain why going through the tender process when hiring a building is not only important, its beneficial, heres why:  1. Competitive Pricing: The tender process allows clients to receive bids from multiple builders, encouraging competition among them. This competition can lead to more competitive pricing …

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MazDesigns Blog 132

Will the role of an architect still exist by the time i graduate? If you are passionate about architecture but have concerns about the future availability of the profession, there are several paths you can consider. Here are a few alternative options to explore: 1. Embrace Technology and Specialise: While certain aspects of architecture may …

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Blogpost 109

MazDesigns: The Advantages of Choosing a Small Architecture Practice Over a Large Corporation When it comes to selecting an architecture practice for your project, considering the advantages of a small firm like MazDesigns can lead to exceptional outcomes. While large corporations have their strengths, the personalised approach, creative ingenuity, and client-focused service provided by smaller …

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Blogpost 110

how do architects Charge for their services? Architectural practices generate revenue through various avenues, including: 1. Design Fees: The primary source of income for architectural practices is through design fees. These fees are charged for the design and development of architectural projects. They are typically based on a percentage of the overall construction cost or …

Blogpost 110 Read More »

Blogpost 107

Unveiling the Benefits of Hiring an Architect for Your Project Embarking on a construction or renovation project is an exciting endeavour, but it can also be complex and overwhelming. Hiring an architect is a wise decision that can make a significant difference in the success of your project. In this blog, we will explore the …

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Blogpost 105

Turning Dreams into Reality: How MazDesigns Architects Can Help You Realize Your Dream Home Building your dream home is an exciting and significant milestone in your life. However, translating your vision into a tangible and functional space requires expertise and careful planning. This is where MazDesigns Architects comes in. In this blog, we will explore …

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